Sloppy, Cold, Rainy, & Maybe Some Snow

“I’m going to scream this from the mountain top, there’s no such thing as ‘a curry.  “There’s six kazillion different kinds of curry. When someone asks how to make chicken curry, I have to ask ‘Which one?”

Aarti Sequeira

Imagine that right here on the eastern shore of North Carolina, yep, maybe snow the perfect weather for a nice warming bowl of shrimp curry and so this is my contribution to the cooking club this week.  Since the weather is so lousy for several days, I opted for a dish that didn’t require a stop at a store 25 miles away and while I have tried many recipes it was time for a short easy recipe and I chose one of Madhur Jaffrey’s shrimp recipes.

I have made some really good curry dishes and I must say that this recipe was not one of my favorites and I had to add several other seasonings to bring it up to my liking, but if you are in a hurry it will work for a curry craving.  As for me, I will plan the next curry dinner perhaps a little more time consuming, but totally satisfying.  

I thought the curry would be great with a pantry cleanout staple around here, Near East Pilaf to which I stirred in some of the curry sauce…all in all it was tasty enough. Click on Link to Madhur’s recipe below:

Madhur’s Recipe:  Easy enough if you are prepared with the seasonings…